New packaging for Devin


PET Engineering
The mineral water brand Devin has chosen the P.E.T. Engineering design team to develop its new packaging for Devin – Crystal Line, a water intended for the Ho.Re.Ca. sector. The challenge was to design a package with premium appearance replacing glass with PET, a material usually used for mass-market products with limited aesthetic appeal. The idea behind the packaging was to give a premium value to a low cost material by means of a refined design and a glass effect finish, combining the unbreakability, lightweight and low cost advantages of PET with concepts of elegance, character, and refined semplicity. Designers used the regular forms of crystam glass as their starting point, as the geometric perfection of its elements and their repetition in 3D-space creates an elaborate decoration, which begins at the base and continues upwards along its conical and essential shape. The 3D-decoration of the bottle and the use of Novapet’s Glasstar resin reproducing the transparency of glass, create an interesting refraction effect, and the bottle shines like a crystal in the light. Its blue and silver label, developed by Design Board International, with a cap in the same colour, highlights the packaging.

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