Coffee handling:  from the storage to the bag


Brambati proposes an integrated system for the handling of coffee, from the reception of green coffee, through to the feeding into single coffee packs. With this solution the customer can plan the production directly from his own company’s accounting systems, receiving the data related to the production carried out with an accurate traceability of each batch of coffee and finished product.

Next to the usual automation level , Brambati has developed an interface that receives production orders, green coffee in stock and other data from the upper levels such as ERP, SAP, MES and delivers them to different areas and machines (coffee roaster, grinders, etc), thus requiring minimum data input by the operator. The system collects data in real time from production and stores them in a database.

These data are available for any type of external system to trace in real time the production planning, the status of the machines, and the production reports or KPIs. The system can be adapted to any request for customization and all accounting systems existing.