Bottles recovery and rinsing helps to cut costs and respect the environment

Monobloc Sira, designed by Akomag for washing and sterilizing PET or PC gallon or other large bottles, to be filled with still water

The use of bottle washers allows the recovery of empty bottles, and significantly reduces the amount of one-way glass for the benefit of environment and production costs

Akomag is a flexible and dynamic company that bases its organizational strategy on customer satisfaction, the quality of its systems, assistance services and on technological innovation. Thanks to the considerable experience acquired in the bottling industry, Akomag guarantees to customers maximum yields, easier control, minimum operational costs, and long working life of the machines built with top quality materials. The simple modular structure of the production range contributed to the progressive development of new functions and technologies; over the years the systems have been integrated with special washing and sanitation stations, automatic control of process parameters, safety systems, energy recovery, reduction of discharges, automatic sanitation of the most important parts. Machines are designed taking into account health protection and risk prevention, along with the necessary noise reduction tools. These traditionally large machines have become more compact, in order to facilitate space optimization in bottling lines. The production range is divided in three main segments: automatic bottle washers, semi-automatic washers, complete lines for large 5-10 litre PC/PET bottles. In common they all have their modular construction, which enables customers to “build” their machine according to their real needs. Semi-automatic bottle rinsers are designed for medium-small firms; and they are the first level of automation in the glass bottle washing process. A simple but functional washing cycle contributes to cut working costs (water, power supply, detergents) without jeopardizing the results. Automatic bottle washers are designed for medium-high production speeds. Designed to meet the needs of more demanding customers, attentive to the quality of the washing cycle and to the implementation of latest technologies, these machines ensure top reliability and functionalities with minimum maintenance. The washing cycle saves electric energy and minimizes consumptions, with relevant results in terms of cost-effectiveness and management. Thanks to sophisticated and reliable control systems, a single user can remotely control the whole washing cycle, and monitor operation, speed and consumption. Even in this case, the modular system and special versions of it provide for top flexibility. Sira machines and complete lines for washing 3-5 gallon or 5-10 litre bottles in PC or PET can be supplied as stand-alone units or they can be integrated in a complete washing, filling and capping line.

Effective washing of the Sira CM monobloc is guaranteed by Akomag’s spraying and brushing system with rotary nozzles operating at 5 bar

A space-saving monobloc

The Sira monobloc has been designed for washing and sterilizing plastic gallon containers in different sizes and shapes, for subsequent filling with still water. The washing cycle developed by Akomag can be adapted to customer’s production needs. Effective washing is guaranteed by the special spraying and brushing device. Special (penetrating) rotary nozzles wash the inner walls of the container by means of high pressure (5 bar), while nylon brushes provide for cleaning the bottle external walls. The machine can be automatically adjusted to the different bottle sizes by simply entering the type of container to be handled from the control keyboard. The stainless steel control board installed next to the monobloc is easily accessible for the operator. The control board is equipped with a touch-screen that displays all functions of the line, as well as operating parameters and alarms. The automatic de-capper, all made in stainless steel, is equipped with a pneumatic system that grips the container by the neck to remove the cap. Even a select & reject system for un-capped containers is available. Containers are then filled by means of inverter-controlled pumps. A new valve provides for a laminar water flow and the absence of contact between valve and container neck. The filling is controlled by a special metering device that ensures filling accuracy. Finally, the monobloc is equipped with a capper, comprising soundproof vibrating hopper and a descent chute with pick-off dispenser; the bottles are closed by a tilted closing belt with adjustable pressure. All adjustments are automatically controlled via control board.





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