Cheese aging racks by IFT



IFT supplies optimal solutions for the aging of any kind of cheese, as pasta filata cheese, as well as (semi)hard and soft cheese. 2000 customers worldwide in 20 years of activity show evidence of this. The picture shows the ideal aging rack for Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano. The rack is equipped with food-grade polypropylene grids that can be perfectly sanitised. They let the cheese breath even while resting on their surface; this contributes to reduce turning operations and limits the formation of mold. This way, cheese wheels can age without defects, allowing considerable savings in terms of labour for cleaning wooden shelves and of cost for the turning machines.The rack also allows savings in space, it is easy to handle, and cheese wheels are always at hand. Once the wheel is placed onto IFT racks, Parmesan is always traceable, as it never leaves its place on the grid. Cheese wheels, in fact, undergo to the brine treatment, are stored and turned and, at the end of the aging phase, are packaged without ever being transferred.


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