For over 60years, Sollich have supplied their enrobers under a variety of trademarks to distinguish their applications: Caramat for caramel coating, Fondamat for fondant icing coating and ICN for ice cream coating. The workhorse of portfolio is Enromat M5, used by all the big industrial users for their chocolate coating operations. With one line of plant leaving factory every 4 working days, this is where development monies are invested each year. But it is in the realm of half-coated biscuits that Sollich have scored again with the development of Sollcotop. Whether it is coating with caramel, icing or chocolate Sollcotop’s drum coating applicator guarantees a weight accuracy of coating material hitherto unequalled. You decide what weight of coating per piece you want and dial it up on the hopper setting. The product takes only what it can carry and the small residue left on the belt is re-cycled. Sollcotop is so simple that it demands little in running costs and expensive engineering time.