Filling technology for ESL beverages


During the recent years, a key trend in the market for dairy products has resulted in the demand and consequent development of a wide range of high-quality dairy beverages with a prolonged shelf life compared to fresh products, with an increasing request in both developed and emerging markets.

The new Whitebloc Aero uses proven technology that has been optimized to meet the specific needs of producers of ESL beverages, that often focus on small batch production, to give them the edge in a competitive marketplace. These include simplicity, efficiency, reliability, practicality, sustainability, flexibility and the lowest possible Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Sensitive, milk-based ESL beverages need special requirements to preserve their shelf-life and organoleptic properties. As such, container decontamination is an essential part of the process to ensure an effective and reliable extended shelf-life in cold chain distribution.

GEA Whitebloc Aero’s design is optimized for the treatment time required in ESL applications; this allows bottle decontamination with dry H2O2 and subsequent activation with warm air to be performed on a single carousel which keeps the layout as compact as possible. The decontamination, filling and capping processes are performed in a simple hygienic cabin with a top-down laminar flow of sterile air with a slight overpressure to maintain a clean and protected environment.

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