Eco-sustainable CIP units


For the cleaning of processing plants, A DUE proposes its CIP unit Easy.Clean, optimised to reduce the consumption of water and energy and the time required for the process.

Energy consumptions have halved thanks to the total thermal insulation (including roof and bottom) of the hot-storage of detergents.

During the rinsing phase of the tanks, considerable savings in terms of time and rinsing water can be achieved thanks to the burst rinsing system, using a rotary spray ball or rotary jet head instead of a static device. The mechanical washing performance is enhanced through air blowing to create greater turbulence.

A second tank, of smaller capacity than that of caustic soda, allows to implement cleaning phases with different steps, temperatures, times or specific chemicals, depending on the degree of soiling to be removed in the various parts of the system. The lay-out of the system is optimized to reduce pipe lengths, thereby saving time, water, and energy.

The company is currently studying alternative chemicals for tank disinfection (including water-dissolved ozone) with the aim of reducing water consumptions as well as the costs for the purchase, storage and disposal of chemicals. The picture shows a system with four circuits and three tanks.

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