In Falling Film Chiller groups, the water flows on both sides of vertical shaped plates with a thin layer to be cooled by glycol at -6 °C fl owing inside the stainless steel plates. The chilled water is pumped from a bottom tank to the utilities by a centrifugal pump.Falling Film Chiller chilling machine, a novelty in the dairy plants, ensures pollutant-free cooling water at a 0.5 °C temperature. The plant has a very compact design and no moving parts, and cools the process water which has been heated in the process itself. Since the water flows on the plates, the exchange coefficient performance is very high. Moreover, to cool clean water at temperatures close to 0, an open system is necessary, i.e. outside the exchange surface, so to avoid icing problems.
The 3B Latte case-history
The Italian dairy 3B Latte was founded in the early 80s and, beside the most established cow products, it produces goat and, more recently, buffalo milk products. A new line of spreadable products and probiotics is being launched. About five years ago, the dairy has started the construction of a new premise to further increase production volumes. A traditional system with ice accumulation was previously used since 3B Latte productions concentrated in short period of time. Currently, however, the firm needs cooling water for longer periods of times used for continuous 24 hour process duty. To achieve this goal CTM plants have been installed because of the need of continuous cooling water exchange which must be, among other things, of “high food grade”. The use of the Falling Film Chiller group is giving very positive results. The process water is also cyclically discharged and refilled with bacterial-zero water as the fresh product requires an absolute guarantee of hygiene. The dairy firm processes about 40,000 liters/day of exclusively Italian milk. 3B Latte focuses on quality and on the offer of special products such as, for example, many goat cheeses. The firm sells and distributes almost exclusively in Italy. The dairy, with an handcrafted production from the very beginning, aims to keep this pattern even in the new production facility, but using the latest technology.