Labellers for all needs
“In the last years – continues Mr. Bruno Negri – we developed a technology enabling us to build modular labellers starting from a standard machine frame, suiting all labelling needs in terms of formats and labelling system. The machine base is prepared with all types of container orienting and handling systems, and the processing speed can range from 3,000 to 60,000 pieces per hour”. Among the models featuring advanced technology for the beverage sector, the in-block labeller deserves special mention. “A filling line – explains Mr. Negri – usually comprises a filling monobloc, conveyor belts, labeller, and additional conveyor belts and end-of-line machines. We integrated the labeller in a single machine that performs all filling, capping and labelling operations”. The high reliability of the labeller guarantees improved efficiency of production compared to conventional lines. This many hands project has been developed in cooperation with MBF (Veronella, VR) for the wines and spirits sector, and with SIPA (Sala Baganza, PR) and SMI (San Giovanni Bianco, BG) for the soft-drinks sector. Several advantages: reduction in space occupied and maintenance costs (by eliminating conveyor belts); energy savings (no electric motors required to drive conveyor belts); and reduction of the number of operators assigned to the machine. In short: all this results in less adjustments and improved efficiency.
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Passion for export
Mr. Negri, how many labellers does your Group manufacture every year?
About 400; less than 5% of the total is directed to the Italian market whereas the others are for exports.
Did this strong increase in exports intervene in recent years, or is it a structural feature of your company?
Already in the 1980s, the national market/exports ratio was of 50 to 50. The current situation is just an almost natural development. After all, Italy does not offer a vast market space for development, and the average lifetime of our machines goes from 15 to 25 years.
Maintenance: no problem
“Over the last years – states Mr. Negri – we concentrated on the suppression or drastic reduction of maintenance, and we gained market recognition for our work. Wear parts are replaced during scheduled maintenance interventions, but in order to easily solve any electronic failure, we fitted all machines with a device allowing tele-servicing. In brief, from our Italian head office, we can control via web the machines installed in any part of the world, assess the problem, and, in most cases, do the trouble shooting from distance, thus avoiding the need of technical interventions on site”.
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