“Made in Italy” wins again


Detail of the loading system on Electra 1 with continuous cycle.

New mono-cavity blower

ELECTRA 1 is a single cavity blower used for the production of PET bottles by means of an innovative stretch-blowing process. Fully automatic, it is run by dedicated software on an industrial PC and ensures excellent operator/machine interaction with a special touch screen with which to supervise all the machine functions. Format changeover is performed simply by replacing the customizations with an easy intuitive rapid operation that also includes the moulds. The machine automatically detects the adjustments through special self-learning systems. The advantages of the new blower are energy savings of all types, geometrical compactness, simplicity and cutting-edge performance in the large format sector. To combine the continuous cycle of large rotary blowers with the static nature of linear systems is the other challenge met by ELECTRA 1. The individual operating units have been designed to minimize installation and maintenance times, at the same time maximizing the use of standard parts on all units, facilitating management of spares. The same simplicity has been extended to transport: the machine is mounted on a structure which includes the electric cabinet and is delivered completely wired and tested. Upon arrival, the customer just has to connect the unit to utilities (cooling water, air and electricity) and production can start.

Continuous cycle and staticity

To combine the continuous cycle of large rotary blowers with the static nature of linear systems is the other challenge met by ELECTRA 1. Although the heating system adopts standard principles, i.e. infrared lamps, it is at the heart of the project; ELECTRA 1 uses and balances the quality of infrared lamps with an innovative technical solution that makes it possible to save over 30% of the electricity needed to power the machine. The choice of using a pocket blowing press has allowed a reduction of masses in motion, and consequently energy consumption. To this end, the company is also working together with Parma University to build up new research and development projects related to the use of new materials. As for the blowing process, there are two main strengths: valves designed by Promec Blowtec, and good energy recovery (air recovered >50%). The air recovered inside the tanks is then used for both the blower and the stabilization of the bottle by means of a washing system in the mold (Patent Pending). “In the future there will be a new series of machines with higher productivity – anticipates Besa – it will be dedicated to both medium/large and traditional containers for different drinks. We hope to see you all at Drinktech 2013”.