Net Weight Filling Monobloc


Rejves Machinery developing and producing the net weight filling machines and monoblocs. While volume changes with variables like temperature and barometric pressure, net weight remains constant. That is one of the advantages of filling by net weight. Net weight machines are the perfect solution for controlling your product giveaway and costs. Each bottle is positioned into a filling station containing it’s own independent load cell.

The filling valves fill with a laminar flow and without any spillage of product. The valves are located above the container and do not come in contact with the container during filling process. Net Weight fillers reach an accuracy Sigma1 ±1 g on 1000 g, important to save each drop of the product without any waste.

Since there’s no contact between the container and the filling valve, Net Weight filling technology is particularly recommended in the food industry and that’s to avoid any sort of contamination. The filling valve do not release any product if a station is missing a container. A servo assisted infeed screw will also allow you to continue a seamless production even in the unfortunate event a load cell is reporting an error.

The PLC is be able to route the bottles avoiding the faulty nozzle or load cell. Quick Tool-less Change Parts are made simple with snap-in change parts that can be inserted and removed without the use of tools. All change parts are color-coded for easier change over.

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