Optical 4-colour sorter for cereals


The optical sorters proposed by 3U Vision eliminate all impurities and defects from seeds, cereals, legumes and dried fruits. Among the novelties stands out the Fenix model (pictured), the first 4-colour optical sorter on the market worldwide (RGB + integrated infra-red) equipped with an additional infra-red camera as an option.

An InGaAs multi-spectral camera can be added to both the front and rear of the machine, allowing a total of seven frequencies to control the sorted product on each side of the machine, which are fundamental in the recognition of all organic foreign bodies that cannot be removed mechanically.

The sorting stage is essential for processing products for the food industry, so the number of electrovalves has been increased  to reduce the quantity of good product wrongly expelled and obtaining a more concentrated reject product. Useful information for machine monitoring is always visible thanks to two 15” touch-screen displays. In addition to this sorter the company presents its younger sister Optica, ideal for the needs of the milling industry.

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