Gearboxes, motors and drives


In food industry, the basic requirements of driving components are: resistance to water, to detergents to high temperature ranges, and an absolute oil sealing. Motive gearboxes, motors and inverters meet all these needs. Robus in-line gearboxes are powder painted, either in the cast-iron  version, or the new Robus-A2 (in photo) aluminum frame model; they are monolithic, oil-tight, filled with synthetic oil (upon request also special oils), easy to be inspected, washable. Neo-WiFi variable speed drives are powder painted and offer an IP65 protection. Their keypads  are wireless and IP67, thus permitting them to be placed and used in the most suitable position. Delphi series motors are provided of ZZ or 2RS auto-lubricated shielded bearings; upon request, they can be coated by an aseptic paint, or supplied with stainless shaft and screws, and the winding can be encapsulated in a resin shell. Further countless executions make them adaptable with precision to lots of applications. Where required, Motive offers an ATEX conformity for motors and gearboxes.

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