Optical sorting of candied and dried fruit and gummies


Unyco is a vision software that controls all Raytec Vision optical sorting machines. A single platform for eight different products, designed to simplify the set-up and management also thanks to an intuitive interface.

The new software can handle up to twelve frequencies instead of the eight frequencies of the previous version; it completes the optical sorter Dryce that can dispose of any type of defect and foreign body thanks to twelve frequencies of pulsed led light.

This versatile machine is suitable for the inspection of a wide variety of products, including frozen fruit and vegetables, dried fruit, mussels and gummies. The version equipped with vanes extends the application fields even to products of larger dimensions.

The machine is equipped with a double vision system with four 4K cameras, smart-jet and 3-Way rejection devices. It stands out also for the ultra-clean design, complying with EHEDG guidelines. Thanks to the integrated software, the machine is easy to use because the whole activity can be monitored by means of a single electronic card.