Reliability and efficiency in packaging

LFT70/V shrink-packer produces pad+film or film only, to respond to future requests from beverage market.


Beverage industry has always been the primary market for Zambelli, a manufacturer of packaging machines in the mechanical deep-rooted tradition of Bologna, famous worldwide as Italian “Packaging Valley”.

Zambelli was founded in 1969 as a company to manufacture packaging machines in the mechanical deep-rooted tradition of the city of Bologna, famous worldwide as “Packaging Valley”. In a few years, the success of the technological solutions adopted has crossed the Italian borders and created a customer base of international renown. Today range of machines is composed by: shrink-wrapping machines, traypackers, cartoners, case packers, pick & place and robotized palletizer.

Beverage, the primary market

Zambelli LTF20 with robotic pick&place.

The beverage industry has always been the primary market for Zambelli. Since the introduction of the PET bottles, beverage volumes have dramatically increased along with new designs of light weight bottles, the machines becoming a must for every successful bottler. Zambelli took up eagerly this challenge since its machine design was developed to measure up to the expectations of operators and maintenance personnel who test reliability and efficiency every day and ultimately make the success of a piece of machinery and a manufacturer. Zambelli have followed this efficiency seeking approach with its LFT series of tray-packers/shrink-wrappers starting from the engineering of the frame, featuring a cantilever design that allows the operator total control of and accessibility to all areas of the machine. The frame is also designed so that all the parts that need lubrication are gathered in the back side of the machine. This hygienic design maintains separation between the lubricated parts and Shrink-wrapping advantages In addition to these benefits, Zambelli has also given its LFT series of traypackers shrink-wrappers features that allow the following advantages: reduced change over time, user friendly operation, reduced machine footprint and maintenance costs, higher production efficiency, better quality of the shrink packs. All these advantages have been obtained through up-to-date technological solutions to operate and control the machine and thanks to design with less moving parts hence less wear and adjustments, an extensive field testing and the standardization of functional groups on several machine models to extend to a wide range of machines the benefits in terms of reliability and efficiency brought by every innovation.