Stainless stoning machine for peaches of every type


The peach stoning machine K8-16 from Omip is manufactured entirely in stainless steel. Most mechanical parts have been replaced by electronics, making this machine simpler and relatively economical compared to other machines of this type.

Thanks to the new rotating cutting group, made even faster and efficient in the new version, the machine pits 344 peaches per minute ((3 t/h max) of any level of ripeness irrespective of the variety (clingstone, freestone and nectarine). The result is a final product with a clean and precise cutting.

The machine has been entirely redesigned with a brand new casing, providing for easier cleaning and maintenance operations. Peaches, unloaded into the feeder, are transferred on the fruit carrying plate, where the fruit aligning system allows to achieve a very high percentage of well aligned peaches without employing staff.

The peaches are cut in two halves by the blades, and then pitted by cutting knives at a rate of 43 strokes per minute. Then they finally fall on the vibrator (optional) that separates the pulp from the stones.