Layout for hygienic productions
Thanks to the layout designed by Tecnica5, all needs typical of a food processing area could be satisfied, which can be summarised as follows: optimization of the flows from raw materials reception to shipment of the end product; optimization of staff flows in order to enter into the various departments without creating critical points and/or contaminations; correct separation of clean and dirty rooms, in compliance with the production flow; working environments that are easy to clean and hygienic, in compliance to international – mandatory or optional – quality standards and by the HACCP concept; creation of obliged routes for the staff in charge of maintenance interventions; specific routes for visitors, with the possibility of watching the entire production process without accessing to the production area.

“When speaking of innovative projects for the food industry, the study of product and production process traceability cannot be neglected”, concludes Losi, “and Tecnica5 can do this already in the design phase of the specific or production layout. With the customer, in fact, we identified a series of processes needing control: from the entrance and management of the staff to products storage inside the facility, from the traceability of raw materials to that of end products. We have made sure that the company always has a clear view of the costs and can rely on a safe management of the production process. Furthermore, we made sure that our customer can work with one of the most modern and functional production plants for the fourth range currently active in Italy”.