Specializing in industrial vacuum and low pressure, ServiceAir is a point of reference for companies that use vacuum pumps, compressors and side channel blowers. Specifically, it offers consulting, technical assistance and services designed to ensure maximum output to all vacuum pumps users in the food sector and in the process systems. Oxygen allows proliferation of molds and bacteria responsible for the deterioration of food. Vacuum packaging via air-removal procedure, and consequently oxygen-removal from the package, allows reducing these effects. What happens in a vacuum packaging machine is simple: a lubricated vacuum pump extracts the air from the package, and therefore harmful oxygen. Lubricated rotary vane pumps are used in the packaging process of many foods, including meat, cheese, cold cuts and fresh pasta. The most common have 300 m3/h capacity and pumps can also be assembled in pairs, depending on the type of product to be packed and the production speed.