Internationally-oriented Made-in-Italy

Electric cylinders Series 1800 according to ISO15552 standard, with recirculating ball screw and brushless in line or parallel Siemens motors

Ideas and persons set in motion ahead of machines, according to Pneumax. This because technological innovation goes through cultural contamination, aggregate skills, successful partnerships and quality

More than ever before, today companies producing technology have to demonstrate openness and foresight. In a highly connected world, it is established practice that customers with their needs, preparation and proactivity, convey the key inputs that allow companies to develop smarter applications.

By setting in motion experiences and information, and sharing them in a productive climate, customers and suppliers face each other in a valuable exchange, with considerable advantages for both parties. Founded in 1976, Pneumax is today an international player in the field of industrial automation; the company, in substantial advance with times, from the beginning firmly believed in a customer-oriented approach.

To provide customers with a 360° assistance, at every stage of the project, Pneumax invested in the creation of two types of technical & sales professionals: product specialists, focussing on product ranges, and business specialists, divided by application area (Automotive, Oil&Gas, Packaging and Wood). The aim is to lead customers to consider the supplier as a business partner rather than just “a supplier”.

The company policy is based on dialogue: for this reason Pneumax sits at the table with other important market players in order to develop winning synergies. Like the new cylinders of the 1800 series, the result of collaboration with Siemens, a multinational company that with 165 years of activity, still stands out for its technological excellence, innovation, quality, and reliability.

Series 3000 solenoid valves are 10mm valves available as stand alone or manifold version, which can be interfaced with all the main serial communication protocols

Flexible production, effective processes. Today Pneumax is a strong group with 21 trading and production companies in Italy and abroad. With its worldwide network, Pneumax has 13 subsidiaries and an extensive network of distributors in over 50 Countries worldwide. The headquarters in Lurano, near Bergamo, are the productive heart of the company, with an area of 94,000 sq.m, 40,500 of which covered.

They accommodate a fleet of CNC machines and an assembly line, which guarantee extremely flexible production according to the principles of Total Quality Management. The proposed technologies are complementary, and they can be used according to individual Customer’s needs: from well-established pneumatics (cylinders, valves, fittings, FRL units, manipulation, vacuum) to components and systems for the electric control of liquids. Electric actuators, in particular, experienced a significant expansion of the range.

Next to toothed belt linear actuators (with integrated or double external ball rail system) and ball screw linear actuators and linear units, there are the new electric cylinders Series 1800 with recirculating ball screw and brushless in line or parallel Siemens motors. The development of a new series of electro-pneumatic control valves offering efficient motion control has been the source of recent investment, led to the development of the new Series 3000 solenoid valve, which can be interfaced with all the main serial communication protocols.

Airplus Safeline: a supply and discharge valve, with an electropneumatic control and spring-return. In the double version they are a classified component in CATEGORY 4 according to ISO EN 13849, suitable for use in safety circuits up to PL=E

Safety and training. It’s persons that drive technological developments, and they must not – and should not – suffer any harm from it. And one of the main drivers of product innovation is safety, in the sense of Safety Automation, providing maximum safety for users and protection of the equipment. Training is another keyword that allows to look forward with optimism. For this reason Pneumax launched training programs focused on enhancing transversally the capabilities of all employees on concepts related to new technologies. Pneumax Academy is an ongoing project that will provide an environment rich in intellectual stimulation, also taking into account the importance of a correct alternation between school and work; the Academy will welcome the collaboration of Italian and foreign Technical Schools, Universities and Research Centers.



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