Yoghurt production: Quick analysis of milk


In yoghurt production lines, the multi-parameter analysis of milk (total solids and fat content) ensures the quality, hygiene and freshness of the product.

For this reason Foss proposes MilkoScan FT3 counter-top analyzers with FTIR technology and automatic performance control.

This patented instrument has a consistent performance and ensures transparent results. Ideal for standard yoghurt processing, this analyzer performs automatic performance checks every two hours, eliminates instrument drift, and ensures stable results over time and consistency with other instruments in a network.

In addition to yoghurt, the analyzer can test a wide variety of liquid and semi-solid dairy produces: milk, cream, whey, protein concentrates etc. Global calibration ranges are possible: Fat, protein, lactose (incl. low lactose products), total solids, solids non fat, freezing point, titratable acidity, density, free fatty acids, citric acids, casein, urea, sucrose, glucose, fructose and galactose.