Certification for health and safety at work


In September 2013, P.E. Labellers became compliant with the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 standard.
This is the first voluntary international law that states precisely the desired implementation by P.E. Labellers of a company management system that guarantees adequate control over the health and safety of its workers, in relation to the production of its labelling machines and technical assistance services, provided at client production sites. The achievement of this objective further enhances the company’s organisational management system and represents the commitment, with respect to the market, to the continued compliance in accordance with the requirements of the relevant legislation. The pursuit of excellence in its systems and in everything that concerns production, through continuous improvement resulting from a precise business management system aimed at creating the best conditions for the protection of worker health and safety, is also a guarantee for all clients who choose to count P.E. LABELLERS among their trusted suppliers.